How to Promote Your HITRUST Certification

Your organization has achieved a HITRUST certification. This accomplishment signifies to your customers, employees, and other stakeholders that your organization takes the most proactive approach to data protection and risk mitigation and adheres to the highest security standards.
We encourage you to share the good news on social media and in a press release.
Language guidelines
- Keep in mind that organizations cannot be HITRUST certified. People cannot be HITRUST certified. Only data and systems are assessed and certified.
- For example, it would be incorrect to say, “XYZ Company is HITRUST certified.” Instead, you could say, “XYZ Company attained a HITRUST e1 certification for its ABC system/platform.”
Social media guidelines
- For social media posts, please consider using #HITRUST.
- You can tag the official HITRUST account on LinkedIn and X (@HITRUST).
Press release guidelines
- You can access the HITRUST press release template and certification badge that corresponds to your certification level online through a link provided by your Customer Success Manager. You can add your organization’s quote and customize it per the template.
- If you would like to include a quote that is not in the press release template, including one from HITRUST, please reach out to us to coordinate.
- Do not include the HITRUST logo or boilerplate in your press release. Any co-branded assets, including press releases, should be managed through the HITRUST Marketing team.
- Once you have your press release ready, please submit it to for review and approval before you publish it. Allow at least five business days for review.
- Please forward the final press release back to HITRUST and be sure to share any press pickups that might result.
Guidelines for using the HITRUST certification badge
- Your organization can use the HITRUST certification badge on a specific asset or webpage only if it mentions or applies to the specific scope of work that earned certification.
- The logo should be between 150 and 250 pixels wide and scaled proportionately.
- The HITRUST certification badge used electronically must link directly to the HITRUST homepage.
Additional ways to promote
- You can also promote your certification status by requesting to be added to the Health3PT Vendor Directory so that organizations looking for vendors who hold HITRUST certifications can find you.
If you have any questions or would like to talk about other opportunities to share your HITRUST certification, please contact